Licensing Terms

License Term

All our serviced offices can be occupied on a licencing basis. For large spaces we are also able to provide unfurnished office space with a rental contract. Our standard serviced office licenses are for minimum of three (3) months to six (6) months or twelve (12) months. Unless notice is given all licence agreements will be considered to be renewed for the same initial period. For more information please contact our Customer Relationship Officer at [email protected]

Payments and Rental

Before checking in to your office we require one (1) month rent in advance. Deposit is only payable on rental contracts not licence agreements. All licence fees and rents must be paid monthly, quarterly or annually in advance as per written agreements. City Business Centre reserves the right to terminate all services in case licence fees are not duly paid..

House Rules

Our golden rule is ‘respect your neighbour’ at all times. At City Business Centre we do our utmost to provide you with quiet efficient work space and work solutions but we need your cooperation to succeed in our mission. For more information please contact us or ask for a copy of our latest City Business Centre House Rules.

Co Working Environment

We request our clients to respect our ethics for hygiene, cleanliness, noise pollution and the environment in all areas within the Business Centre. Smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas of the Business Centre except the designated areas in the building, verandas and parking areas.

Office Security

All parking areas, building entrances and floor entrances are closely monitored by CCTV cameras for the security of our clients. We provide 24/7 access to all clients using a tag system by floor plan and according to each client’s licence agreement.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can address your needs.