What is a Business Centre?

Capital tied up in commercial property can restrict your ability to adapt and grow whereas business centres have proven to allow companies to upsize and downsize or even move with no long term commitments.

Business centres allow enterprises to concentrate their resources on their core business while leaving workspace management to the Centre operator. In addition to the top quality services provided , tenants benefit from networking with other businesses in the centre. This is often a big attraction for business centre custom. The speed to market is a major factor for industry leaders, CEOs, MDs and FDs. Using a business centre permits this speed to get in and out of the market within hours of arriving/ leaving Nicosia.

Why use CBC and not rent my own office?

At CBC you will have your own private office with sole access but also much more. Your room will be fully serviced and equipped with all your needs and you will only have one bill at the end of each month allowing you to concentrate only on your work and leave the rest to us.

How soon can I move in?

From our experience this is possible within the same day! you may choose your room in the morning and within the same day we could have it cleaned and furnished to your needs with private phone and internet operating by the end of the day. While all this is taking place we offer our clients free use of our business lounge, meeting rooms and services.

How quickly can I move out as I need the flexibility?

We fully understand your need for flexibility and difficult business circumstances. Normally we require one month or two months notice depending on your contract in order to plan our office bookings. However for genuine cases beyond your control we could accept release from your contract by mutually agreed terms.

Whats the minimum period I can stay?

At CBC we have standard contracts for 3 months , 6 months and 12 months and standard charges for all our services. Our policy is for you to know our charges from the outset. We have no hidden costs or surprises. For bookings less than 3 months our Management would be glad to address your request and make you an economical proposal.

Can I extend my stay on short notice because it doesn’t depend on me?

Usually we request to be advised of your needs months in advance as per contract. In this way we can plan our business and keep our costs as low as possible for our clients. Provided we have offices available and we have no loss of another contract or other damages we will accept extensions at short notice.

Do I have any benefit from referrals or regular stays on my visits to Nicosia?

At CBC we believe in looking after our clients. Referrals are taken account of upon your next renewal of contract depending on the duration of the renewal. For regular stays at CBC our Management would gladly consider special terms.

Can you help us to find residential accommodation near your Business Centre?

We work closely with local estate agents for our rooms and do have special service for finding also home accommodation for you and your staff or family. Our Manager will put you in touch with our corresponding agents and also give you advice on all matters.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can address your needs.